Alright fine, I confess! I thought that this Hollywood Sweater Saver would not work, but since it was only $6.00, I decided to take a chance and can you believe it worked? Of course you have to be very careful using it, besides the mess, it is a good idea for you to try it out on small piece of the fabric before using it on the whole piece of clothing. My mom helped me and it mush easier than using it by myself, while I stretched out the sweater, she would delicately use the Sweater Saver to remove fiber balls (fuzz), at the end a lot of tops and sweaters that I was going to donate ended up going back in my closet. So this is my super tip today! Kisses, Dani;)
Tá bom! Vou confessar! Eu achei que esse Hollywood Sweater Saver (Salva-Suéter) não ia funcionar, mas como era só $6.00 dólares eu decidi arriscar e não é que funcionou?? É claro que você tem que ser bem cuidadosa ao manusear esse tijolinho, além da sujeira, é bom você ter cuidado e testar o tijolinho no tecido antes de usá-lo na roupa toda. A minha mãe me ajudou e foi bem mais fácil do que fazer sozinha, enquanto uma esticava a blusa, a outra delicadamente passava o tijolinho e ia removendo as bolinhas da blusa… no final, muitas blusas e suéters que eu ia doar, acabaram voltando para o meu closet, então fica aqui a super dica! Beijos, Dani ;)
Never tried that but I HAVE purchased a hand held electric lint remover which is AWESOME! I used it on my sweaters and even my son's pajamas, my wool scarves, etc. Makes everything new. I love it!
ReplyDeleteThis was really a fascinating subject, I am very lucky to have the ability to come to your weblog and I will bookmark this page in order that I might come back one other time.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the tip ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd Thank you guys for the comments!!